
STARLIGHT version 04 – Public release


Download 3 things:
(1) An executable suitable to your OS
(2) The distribution file
(3) The User Guide
(1) Executable:
The name notation of files to download is:
v04 is the version of the code;
i386 is the architecture of system;
g77 is the version of compiler;
dynamic means that is a dynamic executable (without libraries) and static means a static executable (with the libraries).
03/04/2013 – Update! Added a new version which works on newer macs.
(2) The distribution file:  StarlightChains_v04.Distrib.tar.bz2
(3) The User Guide, which tells you what to do.

Tools for data manipulation

pystarlight : Python modules for reading STARLIGHT tables and other utilities.

Get SDSS images: A tool to get SDSS images from a list of SynID (plate.MJD.fiber) codes.
Pre-Requisites: Imagemagick and GNU wget.


26/July/2018 – Fake news on STARLIGHT