
Refereed Papers

Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies – I. Spectral synthesis method

Roberto Cid Fernandes, Abilio Mateus, Laerte Sodre Jr., Grazyna Stasinska, Jean M. Gomes.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 358, p. 363-378, 2005.

Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies – II. The bimodality of the galaxy population revisited
Abilio Mateus, Laerte Sodre Jr., Roberto Cid Fernandes, Grazyna Stasinska, William Schoenell, Jean M. Gomes.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 370, p. 721-737, 2006.

Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies – III. How to distinguish AGN hosts
Grazyna Stasinska, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Abilio Mateus, Laerte Sodre Jr., Natalia V. Asari.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 371, p. 972-982, 2006.

Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies – IV. A nature via nurture scenario for galaxy evolution

Abilio Mateus, Laerte Sodre Jr., Roberto Cid Fernandes, Grazyna Stasinska.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. , v.374, p.1457 – 1472, 2007.

Uncovering the chemical enrichment and mass-assembly histories of star-forming galaxies

Roberto Cid Fernandes, Natalia V. Asari, Laerte Sodre Jr., Grazyna Stasinska, Abilio Mateus, Juan Pablo Torres-Papaqui, William Schoenell.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. , v.375, p.L16 – L20, 2007.

The history of star-forming galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Natalia V. Asari, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Grazyna Stasinska, Juan Pablo Torres-Papaqui, Abilio Mateus, Laerte Sodre Jr., William Schoenell, Jean M. Gomes.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society., v.381, Issue 1, p. 263-279, 2007

Can retired galaxies mimic active galaxies? Clues from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Grazyna Stasinska, Natalia Vale Asari, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Jean Michel Gomes, Marielli Schlickmann, Abilio Mateus, William Schoenell, Laerte Sodre Jr.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 391, Issue 1, pp. L29-L33, 2008.

The evolution of the mass-metallicity relation in SDSS galaxies uncovered by astropaleontology
Natalia Vale Asari, Grazyna Stasinska, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Jean Michel Gomes, Marielli Schlickmann, Abilio Mateus, William Schoenell.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 396, Issue 1, pp. L71-L75, 2009.

Alternative diagnostic diagrams and the “forgotten” population of weak line galaxies in the SDSS
Roberto Cid Fernandes, Grazyna Stasinska, Marielli Schlickmann, Abilio Mateus, Natalia Vale Asari, William Schoenell, Laerte Sodre Jr.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 403, Issue 2, pp. 1036-1053, 2010.

A comprehensive classification of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: how to tell true from fake AGN?
R. Cid Fernandes, G. Stasinska, A. Mateus, N. Vale Asari
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 413, Issue 3, pp. 1687–1699, 2011.

R. Cid Fernandes,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, in press


Paleontology of Galaxies: Recovering the Star Formation & Chemical Enrichment Histories from Galaxy Spectra
Roberto Cid Fernandes
Reunión de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia, (Sept/2006)

The Star Formation History of Late Type Galaxies
Roberto Cid Fernandes
IAU symposium 241, “Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies” (Dec/2006)

The star formation histories of galaxies: A tour through the STARLIGHT-SDSS database
Roberto Cid Fernandes, William Schoenell, Jean M. Gomes, Natalia V. Asari, Marielli Schlickmann, Abilio Mateus, G. Stasinska, Laerte Sodre and Juan Pablo Torres-Papaqui (the SEAGal collaboration)
XXXIII Latin American IAU Regional Meeting – Isla Margarita, Venezuela (Oct/2007)

Emission Line Taxomony and the nature of AGN-looking galaxies in the SDSS
Roberto Cid Fernandes, Grazyna Stasinska, Natalia V. Asari, Abilio Mateus, Marielli Schlickmann, William Schoenell
IAU symposium 267, “Co-Evolution of Central Black-Holes and Galaxies” (Aug/2009)


What stellar populations can tell us about the evolution of the mass–metallicity relation in SDSS galaxies
Natalia Vale Asari, Grazyna Stasinska, Roberto Cid Fernandes Jr., Jean Michel Gomes, Marielli Schlickmann, Abilio Mateus, William Schoenell

Can retired galaxies mimic active galaxies? A study of LINERs in the SDSS.
Natalia Vale Asari, Grazyna Stasinska, Roberto Cid Fernandes Jr., Jean Michel Gomes, Marielli Schlickmann, William Schoenell, Abilio Mateus, Laerte Sodré

The Star Formation History of Galaxies (as revealed by spectral synthesis)
Roberto Cid Fernandes, Natalia Vale Asari, William Schoenell, Juan Pablo Torres Papaqui, Laerte Sodre, Abilio Mateus, Grazyna Stasinska. IAU, Prague 2006.

The Bimodality of Galaxy Populations Revisisted through Spectral Synthesis
Laerte Sodre, Abilio Mateus, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Grazyna Stasinska, Jean M. Gomes. IAU, Prague 2006.

A VO database for Star Formation Histories and Physical Properties of 500k SDSS galaxies
William Schoenell, Roberto Cid Fernandes Jr., Miguel Cervino, Roberto Terlevich.

Eduardo Alberto Duarte Lacerda, Roberto Cid Fernandes Jr., André L. de Amorim, Wiliam Schoenell, Abílio Mateus Jr., Fábio Rafael Herpich
Eduardo Alberto Duarte Lacerda, Roberto Cid Fernandes Jr.


Star-forming galaxies in the SDSS
Natalia Vale Asari @ XXXIII Reuniao Anual da Socidade Astronomica Brasileira

The Star Formation History of Late-Type Galaxies

Roberto Cid Fernandes @ IAU Symposium 241: Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies

Um VO para o Estudo da Historia de Formacao Estelar e Propriedades Fisicas de 573141 galaxias do SDSS
William Schoenell @ BRAVO Workshop – 02/06/2007

Whos Who on Emission Line Diagnostic Diagrams
Roberto Cid Fernandes @ XXXIII Reuniao Anual da Socidade Astronomica Brasileira – 09/03/2007

Paleontology of Galaxies – Spectral synthesis: Modern methods & applications
Roberto Cid Fernandes @ Krakow – Sept/2007 (4 lectures)

Star formation & mass-assembly evolution of galaxies: Fossil methods & applications to Mega data-sets
Roberto Cid Fernandes @ XXXIII XII Latin American IAU Regional Meeting – 10/26/2007

A VO database for STARLIGHT synthesis products of 926246 SDSS galaxies

Histories of SDSS galaxies revealed by fossil records

Thesis and dissertations

Evolução química e história de formação estelar no Universo local
Natalia Vale Asari, PhD Thesis (portuguese)

Um Estudo Sobre Galáxias Ativas em Diagramas de Diagnóstico
Marielli de Souza Schlickmann, MSc Dissertation (portuguese).

A Época de Formação das Galáxias
Tiago Freitas Triumpho, MSc Dissertation (portuguese).

Sintese espectral de galáxias: Modelos de populacoes estelares simples e compostas, ajustes, calibrações e aplicações
Jean Michel Silva de Miranda Gomes, PhD Thesis (portuguese)

Histórias de formação estelar no Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Natalia Vale Asari, PhD Qualification (portuguese).

Cinematica estelar e evolucao de galaxias
Natalia Vale Asari, MSc Dissertation (portuguese).

Sintese de populacoes estelares em galaxias na era das grandes bases de dados: Metodos e aplicacoes
Jean Michel Silva de Miranda Gomes, MSc Dissertation (portuguese).

Semi-Empirical Analysis of Galaxy Spectra
Abilio Mateus, PhD Thesis (portuguese).

Environmental Dependence of Star Formation in Galaxies
Abilio Mateus, MSc Dissertation (portuguese).

Construção de um banco de dados de propriedades físicas de galáxias observadas no ultravioleta
André Luiz de Amorim, MSc Dissertation (portuguese)

Método bayesiano de casamento espectral de galáxias
William Schoenell, MSc Dissertation (portuguese)

Tomografia PCA aplicada às galáxias do Projeto CALIFA Survey
Eduardo Alberto Duarte Lacerda, MSc Dissertation (portuguese)



Spectral Fitting with Starlight v04
Last Update: April 19, 2007 by Cid.